Our team of programmers work silently in the shadows. However, they are the ones responsible, through their endless work, for coding the Stormz’Apps and finding new and incredible features!
"Code lines, I love you." - Testimony of a Stormz programmer.
Sarah: Good morning François. You look rather pale, have you been working hard these last couple of weeks?
François: You don’t know how right you are! We've been working long hours with the programming team to be able to deliver great innovative features!
(Hmm, it reminds me of something…)
Sarah: Can you sum up, in a few words, the most recent developments?
François: One of the improvement we just worked on is a new filter on the card display.
Sarah: How does it work, really?
François: During the workshop, the facilitator can change how cards are displayed by using a series of filters. He can also synchronize what he sees with all other participants. He can for example decide to show to each group only their own cards, show all cards and clusters randomly, or hide cards which have been cast aside (following a $100 for instance).
Sarah: I imagine this has a considerable impact on how the workshop unfolds itself?
François: Absolutely. It can help us avoid negative group dynamics (mental fixation, conformism…). It also enables us not to overwhelm the screen by hiding inactive cards. In short, we reduce cognitive biases and improve the overall experience of the workshop.
Sarah: We can also mention the use of sections, can you explain it?
François: In each and every card, it's possible to add a supplementary level of detail, several steps of analysis, to ask questions… For instance, in the History of the future, we used to work on the Boosters and Asteroïds in two separate steps. Now, participants are able to handle both questions at the same time - and see, live, the contributions of all other players.
Sarah: This way we can’t lose the thread of a good idea! Has this feature already been used?
François: Of course. Thanks to these sections, we created a new collaborative process based on the method of Customer Empathy Map as developed by Innovation Games. Imagine, for example, 30 groups of 3 working simultaneaously on 10 different profiles, in less than an hour, with one facilitator. And since everything is memorized on the iPads, we don’t take the risk of losing a post-it.
Sarah: And all the precious time we save compared to manual notes-taking. In any case, that’s nice work! What will you be working on next?
François: It’s a surprise… See you soon!
Sarah: François? François… oh well… he went back to his coding! We can’t stop someone with so much passion!
Sarah, live from Stormz, over and out!