Do you need some new ideas of ice breakers on Stormz? Here are some templates using the Quiz! We already decorated them with images, filled the instructions and set the correct parameters so they are ready to use. You will also find some advices on how to animate them. Have fun!
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1. Would you rather... ⚖️
“Would you rather” is a fun and ready-to-use ice breaker using the iconic “Would you rather” game. Each question includes a statement encouraging participants to quickly make the trickiest choices... For a fun and quick ice breaker! It includes:
- Would you rather live in the ocean or on the moon?
- Would you rather meet your travel back in time to meet your ancestors or to the future to meet your descendants?
- Would you rather lose all of your money or all of your pictures?
- Would you rather have invisibility or flight?
- Would you rather live where it only snows or the temperature never falls below 100 degrees?
- Would you rather always be slightly late or super early?
- Would you rather give up your smartphone or your computer?
- Would you rather live without heat and AC or live without social media?
- Would you rather be the funniest or smartest person in the room?
- Would you rather be able to run at 100 miles per hour or fly at 10 miles per hour?
- Would you rather be a superhero or the world’s best chef?
- Would you rather be an Olympic gold medallist or an astronaut?

Current parameters ⚙️
- Participants can only pick ONE answer (NOT to be changed)
- Facilitation mode: ASYNCHRONOUS (can be changed) - participants are allowed to answer the whole list of questions at their own rhythm.
- Previous question: Participants cannot go back to the previous question to change their answer (can be changed)
Tips 👍
You can modify, delete current questions or add new ones if needed!
There are three dynamics possible to facilitate this ice breaker - the most recommended dynamic is “Free rhythm”:
Download it here!
Three different dynamiques to facilitate your ice-breakers
- Free rhythm (asynchronous mode) - Give the instructions, give some time to participants to answer all the questions and when they are all finished debrief the results: publish the results of the first question and move to the next one etc.
- One by one (synchronous mode) - Give the instruction, publish the first question and let the participants answer to that question, publish the results of that question and debrief then move to the next question.
- Timed (synchronous mode) - Give the instruction, publish the first question and let the participants answer to that question, publish the next question when X seconds are over until all questions are answered. Then debrief all questions.
2. Success & failures 🥳
“Success & failure” is a quick and customisable ice breaker aiming to gather the expectations of your participants. Each question includes the beginning of a statement to be filled by the participants. For a productive and quick ice breaker! It includes:
- This session will be a failure if...
- This session will be a success if...

Current parameters ⚙️
- Participants have to write their answer with their own words
- Facilitation mode: ASYNCHRONOUS (can be changed) - participants are allowed to answer the whole list of questions at their own rhythm.
- Previous question: Participants cannot go back to the previous question to change their answer (can be changed)
Tips 👍
You can modify, delete current questions or add new ones if needed!
There are three dynamics possible to facilitate this ice breaker - the recommended dynamic is “One by one”:
3. What is the coolest? 😎
“What is the coolest” is a fun and ready-to-use ice breaker using ranking questions. Each question requires participants to rank some items from the coolest to the lamest... Because ranking elements can take some time, we only included 3 questions. For a fun and quick ice breaker!
It includes:
1. Rank these magical or mythological animals from the coolest to the lamest:
- Unicorn
- Gryphon
- Sphinx
- Werewolf
- Phoenix
- Dragon
2. Rank these John from the coolest to the lamest:
- John Travolta - Actor from Grease, Pulp Fiction...
- John Lennon - Singer from the Beatles
- Elton John - British singer and pop icon
- John Williams - Composer for Harry Potter, Star Wars...
- John F Kennedy - American president in the 60’
- John Doe - Name of a person is unknown or is being intentionally
3. Rank these George from the coolest to the lamest:
- George R.R. Martin - Author of Game of Thrones
- George Lucas - Producer of the Star Wars movies
- Georges Michael - Singer and pop icon
- George Clooney - Actor from ER, Ocean’s eleven
- George Pompidou - French president in the late 60’s
- George Harrison - English singer-songwriter from the Beatles

Current parameters ⚙️
- Participants have to reorder propositions
- Facilitation mode : SYNCHRONOUS (can be changed) - the facilitator decides when to show a question and to move to the next and this simultaneously changes the screen of your participants.
- Previous question: Participants cannot go back to the previous question to change their answer (can be changed)
Tips 👍
You can modify, delete current questions or add new ones if needed!
There are three dynamics possible to facilitate this ice breaker - the recommended dynamic is “One by one”:
One must go ❌
Similar to “Would you rather” but reversed! “One must go” is a fun and ready-to-use ice breaker using the a simple selection game. Each thematised question includes list of 4 options and participants have to quickly decide which one they have to get rid of if one had to disappear... For a fun and quick ice breaker! It includes:
- One must go: Noodles - Burgers - Pizza - Pasta
- One must go: Toaster - Dishwasher - Oven - Stove
- One must go: Chips - Fries - Mashed potatoes - Roasted potatoes
- One must go: Lions - Tigers - Monkeys - Elephants
- One must go: Apple - Strawberry - Orange - Banana
- One must go: M&M’s - Kit Kats - Reeses Cups - Snickers
- One must go: Cinema - Concert - Museum - Library
- One must go: Twitter - Facebook - Instagram - YouTube
- One must go: Email - Phone call - Video call - Instant messenger
- One must go: Winter - Summer - Fall - Spring

Current parameters ⚙️
- Participants can only pick ONE answer (NOT to be changed)
- Facilitation mode: ASYNCHRONOUS (can be changed) - participants are allowed to answer the whole list of questions at their own rhythm.
- Previous question: Participants cannot go back to the previous question to change their answer (can be changed)
Tips 👍
You can modify, delete current questions or add new ones if needed!
There are three dynamics possible to facilitate this ice breaker - the recommended dynamic is “Free rhythm”:
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