Stormz organized its first training session in Moscow on the 7th of April. Our 14 participants were offered the opportunity to discover every feature of our app and to test the strength of our method. With their diploma in hand, they are now spreading the art of collaboration to the most remote corners of Russia. Stormz cofounder Alexandre Eisenchteter took part, the next day, to the 7th annual conference of Russian facilitators. With former IAF (International Association of Facilitators) director Kimberly Bain, Pinpoint facilitator Bruce Rowling and more than 50 Russian facilitation experts, we used Stormz to imagine how Moscow would look like in 2050. This highly dynamic workshop unleashed every participants’ creativity by mixing low-tech techniques, such as crazy prototypes, and high-tech apps, with Stormz of course.
One of the participant demonstrating her team's prototype: The final output, 8 prototypes: Needless to say, we are now anxiously waiting for 2050!
Special thanks to Lyudmila Dudorova and Michael Rossius from Imper Group without whom this event could not have been possible.