As a facilitator, I always find it essential to keep exploring new ways to improve the quality of conversations within a group. In 2012, I discovered a fascinating technique that turned out to be a game-changer: the Double Round Technique. Since then, it's become a go-to classic that I use on a regular basis, especially when I sense that the discussion might become chaotic! 🤯

What is the double turn of discussion?

The double turn technique serves various purposes, such as encouraging reflection, attentive listening, careful formulation of thoughts, quick synthesis of ideas, discovering potential connections between group members, and measuring the gap between personal perceptions and collective reality.

How are we going to work?

Welcome to this workshop! 🎉

We will use a fun and structured way to unlock active listening and enrich group discussions. There will be 3 steps:

  1. Quiet Reflection
  2. First turn of discussion: share your thoughts
  3. Second turn of discussion: build upon other's ideas

How to facilitate a double turn of discussion?

  • Ideal group size: ideally, between 3 and 12 participants.
  • Duration: between one and two hours.
  • Materials needed: a room with seating, arranged in a circle or square so everyone can see each other. Provide blank sheets of paper and writing materials. No other materials are required.
  • Remote setting: just use your favorite video-conferencing tool. No other tool is needed.

1. Set the stage

To start, formulate a clear and understandable question that involves the participants. Ask the group to take a few minutes to write down their vision, point of view, or definition related to the topic at hand. This step encourages everyone to think more critically and organize their thoughts before diving into the conversation.

2. The first turn of discussion

Once everyone is ready, kick off the first turn by asking each person to share their thoughts one by one. As the facilitator, make sure to foster a safe and inclusive space, reminding the participants to actively listen to their peers.

3. The second turn of discussion

After everyone has shared their initial thoughts, it's time for the second turn. During this stage, ask each person to reflect on what they've just heard and respond to a question like, "In my opinion, what are the essential takeaways from the first round of discussion?"

Why should you care about the technique?

The magic of the double turn lies in its simplicity. By promoting structured thought and active listening, it helps participants build on each other's ideas, uncover their shared reality, and fosters collaboration. Plus, it's a fantastic tool for engaging introverted or shy group members, as everyone gets an equal chance to express themselves.

A final thought?

As a facilitator, I can't stress enough the value of incorporating the double turn technique into your toolkit. It's helped me navigate numerous discussions more effectively, create unity among diverse perspectives, and get the most out of every conversation, all while saving time. Give it a try, and you might just find that it becomes your secret weapon for bringing out the best in your group!

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