Setting a card aside enable you or the participants to park a card that is not relevant to the task at hand.

Set aside card(s)

Set aside one card

  1. Click on a card to open it,
  2. click on Aside in the footer of the card

Set aside several cards at once

  1. Click on checkbox in the bottom-right corner of each card (pro tip 😎: you can hover your mouse over a card and press X, it will select the card as well)
  2. The action bar will appear below, click on Aside

Hide or reveal aside cards

By default, aside cards are hidden. To reveal aside cards:

  1. Open the filter menu by clicking on its icon on the facilitator bar,
  2. Select All or Archived in the Cards status section,
  3. Click on Save & Sync if you want to save it to the current step.

Note that aside cards are greyed out.


Participants cannot set cards aside!

Ensure that the permission Edit cards and clusters is set to All or Only their own. See the step's permissions.