You can use predefined steps to quickly prepare a voting activity whithin your workshop.

create a new vote step

Add a predefined step to vote

This will add a step where participants can vote on cards.

  1. Open the Step sidebar,
  2. Click on Add a step to open the menu,
  3. Select one of the pre-configured voting steps.

create a new vote step

There are three predefined voting steps available:

  • Vote: 100 points - This step will set up the voting session with a budget of 100 points
  • Vote: Like - This step will set up the voting session with a budget of one point per vote
  • Vote: Custom - This step allows you to set up the voting session with your own options.

Add a predefined step to display the results

This will add another step where participants will see the result of the last voting session on the bar chart.

  1. Open the Step sidebar,
  2. Click on Add a step to open the menu,
  3. Select Display vote results.

create a new vote step