You can export the deliverables of your workshop in just a few clicks.

  1. Open the settings sidebar,
  2. If necessary, scroll down to find the Export settings,
  3. Click on the file format you want, for example "Export as xlsx" - a spinner spins while Stormz creates your export

Export as CSV

  1. Click on the download button when it's done

Note: You can access the previous exports clicking on the arrow next to the file format. Old exports are removed at regular intervals.

Export formats

There are three different formats to have an overview of your workshop:

  • XLSX: to analyse the result (include clusters, cards, List items, votes, ratings, comments, detailled data for each users). It is the most "compact" overview of your workshop and data is shown in different ways over the tabs. It does not contain the images but it is the most convenient format when you have a lot of content in your workshop.
  • Not available yet in v2 - PDF: to share the result of the session to you attendees (include steps, clusters, cards, List items, votes, ratings, comments, votes graph, ratings graph). Overall, it contains the same content as the docx document but as PDFs it is fixed and stays light, even when containing images. Most useful when you do not wish to edit the results.
  • Not available yet in v2 - DOCX: to share the result of the session to you attendees (include steps, clusters, cards, List items, votes, ratings, comments) in a modifiable document. It mostly contains the list of cards with all their content, such as images, comments etc. Useful when you want to edit, format your results before sharing them.

And also, for more specific purposes:

  • CSV: to re-import the cards in another workshop. See import cards (include clusters, cards, List items, votes, comments)
  • Stormz: to re-import your workshop as a template (it will include all settings, instructions, clusters, cards and attachments but not votes and ratings)
  • ZIP: To save all attachments in cards (images, files etc) in a zip archive