You can manage different options from the Set options section in the settings sidebar.

The daily digest

The daily mail is a digest of the activity of the last 24 hours in each workshops.

Each attendees of a workshop will receive it unless they disabled their notifications.

The content of the email:

The daily mail includes:

  • the current instruction of the workshop
  • the number of cards, votes, items, comments and attachments created
  • the top 10 card created
  • the top 10 card updated
  • the top 10 of contributors

Enabling the daily mail

  1. Open the settings sidebar,
  2. Find the Set Options settings,
  3. Click on Enable the daily mail digest

Step notification

Whenever a step is changed in a workshop, a notification email can be sent to every attendees' email address. This can be useful if you are running an asynchronous session and you want participants to receive notifications so that they come back to the platfom to contribute.

The notification will contain the instruction of the new step and a button to go to stormz.

Please note that the notification email can be sent only if participants joined your workshop with an account (so that we have their email address).

Enabling step notifications

  1. Open the settings sidebar,
  2. Find the Set Options settings,
  3. Click on Enable notifications when the step changes.

Open the instructions automatically

You can force the instructions sidebar to open on the participants' screen when the steps changes. Note that the sidebar won't open if there are no instructions for the current step.

Enabling instructions to open

  1. Open the settings sidebar,
  2. Find the Set Options settings,
  3. Click on Open instructions when the step changes