What are voting session used for?

Use Voting sessions to prioritize a list of cards or clusters.

A card with the voting widget

How does voting work?

You can add voting steps in your workshop. The type of session you choose and its settings will depend on your goals and constraints, such as time, number of cards, and number of participants.

Once participants have voted, you can display the results in real-time with the bar chart and analyze the breakdown of the votes for each one of the cards.

Display bar chart

Some examples of voting dynamics

By playing with the settings, you can create many different voting dynamics. For example:

  • "Like": A quick and simple way to select ideas.
  • "Like/Dislike": a variation of the first one, it can be useful to reveal the lack of consensus on some options.
  • "100 dollars budget game": the budget dynamic can be extremely powerful and force people to make choices.
  • "5 points voting": one of the best way to assess and analyze the level of consensus on an idea.

Minimize group bias

If you set-up permissions wisely, you can also make sure results won’t be influenced by group biases - you can:

  • Randomize the order of the cards - use the "random" sorting order,
  • Keep participants from voting on their own ideas - use the author filter,
  • Hide other people’s choices during the vote