The activity stream is a way for facilitators to follow what's happening in a workshop: it lists all the major actions done by everybody in the workshop.
Open the activity sidebar
- Click on the Activity icon in the facilitator sidebar. If your screen is too small, the icon may be hidden in the menu at the bottom of the sidebar.
- You can see the latest activities:
What activities can you see in the stream?
The activity stream will display the following events:
- creation of the workshop
- an attendee joins the workshop
- an attendee adds, updates or deletes a card
- an attendee adds a comment
- an attendee adds a List item
- a facilitator changes the current step of the workshop
- a facilitator adds or removes a step
- a facilitator adds or removes a list
- a facilitator adds or removes a canvas
- a facilitator adds, updates or removes a criterion
- a facilitator imports cards
- a facilitator changes the role of an attendee or a facilitator